About ten years ago I had a job as a security guard. A bank trustee hired my company to escort him into a company that owed the bank millions of dollars - the bank trustee was going over there to kick them out and needed us there in case their was any trouble. There was a little trouble but when all was done we had kicked out around 300 employees and gave them only 10 minutes to grab their personal belongings. Locks were changed and boards went up so they needed some private security guards to watch the place for a couple of months. I ended up working there 70 hours per week bored out of my head. One day I strolled into a room, didn't know what the room was but it must have been the human resource room because guess what I had in my hands. A folder with 300 employees names, addresses, salary, their spouses name and all kinds of other information about them. Imagine that, me with all of this info! I could have turned into any one of those people I wanted to. I bet those employees of that company would have never thought in a million years that some guy working as a security guard would have this easy access to their information. Luckily for all of them I am a good guy :) I did not do anything with it especially being a victim of identity theft myself. Someone actually had a couple credit cards in my name, got a job in my name and then went to prison with my name. That's when I found out while looking for employment that I was supposedly in prison at the time. Crazy huh, I then found out that the DMV records showed tickets on my record that this person had gotten. It all got resolved but when someone steals your identity it will make your life a living hell.
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