Let's face it, in today's world your name is only as good as your credit. Maintaining your credit should be one of the most important things in your life. By browsing "Credit Card Smarts" you will learn beneficial credit tips that will help you build your credit score. Enjoy all of the information that you can obtain from this site.

If you have never had credit before and are finally ready to start building a credit history, this site can help you.

If you have had credit in the past and basically "screwed it up," you may need to re-establish your credit. Let "Credit Card Smarts" help you.

If you have good or excellent credit, we can still help you by sharing the most valuable credit card tips that you can find online. No matter what your situation is, you will greatly benefit from this site.

Do I really need a credit card?

The quick answer to that question is a big NO! You will not drop dead because you don't have a credit card. I know a man who is in his mid fifties who absolutely refuses to get a credit card. The problem is that this man complains and fits when he is having a hard time trying to rent a home or get a vehicle. This man lived in a time when credit cards were not a necessity in life and they still are not but if you want to make life simpler and be able to buy a home one day then you must have some sort of credit. You can not establish any credit without having any credit! So, "should I get a credit card?"

If one day you would like to:

Buy a home

Start a business

Buy a new car

Then you best establish some credit for when you need to do these things in the future.

Here are some other things that you would have a hard time doing without a credit card:

Renting a car - Yep, you need to put a deposit down and that deposit comes from your credit card. They car rental company will usually want you to have a major credit card if they are going to let you use their vehicles.

Renting a hotel - Well this only makes sense don't it. If I live in Los Angeles and need a hotel room in New York for next weekend then I will need to pay for it over the telephone so I will need a major credit card for this task.

Employment - This one is really important don't you think. Many employers now do a credit check before they hire you as an employee. Sometimes your bad credit can keep you from that great job you could have otherwise had.

Renting a home - Remember when you only needed good credit to buy a home. Well as most know now you better have some decent credit if you are going to rent a house or apartment. Wouldn't it really suck if you make some great money but could not get into a home because of your crappy credit.

Cell Phones - Oh sure, you don't need great credit for this one but sometimes the worst your credit is the higher deposit you will have to make.

Turning on the lights! - This is one that I personally recently experienced. I had to call Edison to have the lights turned on in my home. They asked me if it was OK to check my credit and I said OK. The woman said that there would be no deposit since I have great credit. Wonder what the deposit would have been when my credit score was 530 years ago?

These are just a few examples but just know that not having any credit or credit cards can make someones life really miserable. It seems that many who don't want credit cards may have made mistakes with them in the past and went into some serious debt and screwed up their credit. But they need to learn from their mistakes, no one is perfect.

If you have bad credit or no credit you may want to check out Centrro - find the perfect credit card that suits your needs and make a new start.

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